Made By Shipmate Jimmy Findlay for our 20th Anniversary in 2019
What is a Cork Lodge?
A Cork Lodge is a "Fun" or "side" degree in Freemasonry.
Our sole aim is to raise monies for local disadvantaged or disabled children who fall outside of the normal major charities remit. Our origins are lost in time but seem to have come from the era of Noah and the Great Flood. As well as partaking of the occasional drop of liquid refreshment, we also get to wear hats during the ceremony - one of the few degrees where hat-wearing and our Nelson Cork white tee-shirt is compulsory, and the sillier the hat all the better.
Who can join?
Any Master Mason of good standing who is a member of a Craft Lodge, and no matter how long in the tooth!
What does it cost? £45 for a life membership (probably the cheapest degree in existence). There is No regalia to buy other than a silly hat. Dining typically costs £10 / £15, from the local Salt & Vinegar Fish & Chips Shop. Do I have to learn any rituals? You will never have to learn any ritual! in fact, the learning of rituals is discouraged.
Nelson Cork Lodge meets twice a year; the 3rd Saturday in October & the 2nd Saturday in May for fun and fundraising at the Beaconsfield Masonic Centre.
Do keep an eye on our website for when the next meeting is planned More details can be obtained from the Ships Writer - Andre at - Tel:- 07769 - 170 - 664.